August 21-28 guitar course in Provence (France)

Izhar Elias and Fernando Riscado Cordas
Baroque guitar, early romantic guitar, Spanish guitar, new music, chamber music

For all levels

August 21-28, 2022
Centre Artistique de Piégon, Provence, France
Fontatière, 26110 Piégon Tel: 33 (0) 475 27 10 43
To register or for more information:

Submerge yourself in different styles of classical guitar music, together with versatile award winning guitarists Izhar Elias and Fernando Riscado Cordas. Spend a week immersed in silence, music, nature, great food, wine and art. I invite you to join me to share the beauty and the peace as well as insight into the interpretation of guitar music. Students will participate in daily master classes, lectures and chamber music sessions.

Room and full board € 700,-
Tuition € 375,-


Arrive Sunday evening August 21st
7:45pm dinner

Monday-Wednesday, Friday-Saturday
8:30-9:30 Breakfast
9:30-10:30 technique class
10:30-1:00 Free practice time and masterclasses
1:00-2:00 Lunch
3:00-4:00 Lectures/presentations. Topics:
– Interpretation of early guitar music
– Chamber music repertoire
– How to interpret dance music
– Analysis of pieces played during the master classes
– Interpretation of well known classical guitar pieces
– New music for guitar
4:00-5:00 chamber music
5:00-6:30 Free practice time and master classes
7:45 Dinner

Thursday will be free for individual practice, exploration of the gorgeous countryside, local wineries, long walks, etc.
Thursday evening: recital by Izhar Elias and Fernando Riscado Cordas
Saturday night will be an optional performance for all participants
Sunday departure after breakfast

Upcoming Events

  • La Guitaromanie

    La Guitaromanie

    For a brief period in the early 19th century, the guitar enjoyed a veritable hype. Salons in Paris and Vienna hosted musical soirees where the latest compositions were performed for […] read more –>