The Folly: fake news transformed into art

The Folly is on tour: September and October in Amersfoort and Groningen.
See calendar for the exact details
Izhar Elias: Renaissance guitar, baroque guitar, romantic guitar, modern classical guitar, electric guitar
Paul and Menno de Nooijer: video art


The Folly Is a performance by Izhar Elias, Paul de Nooijer and Menno de Nooijer. Izhar plays the ancient chords of the Folia and other music on his guitars. Paul&Menno provide a surprising spectacle through projections.We see a temple, or rather a small temple. Well, is it actually a temple?The structure we see, also called a folly, was built purely for decoration in 19th-century gardens.As a passerby you were fooled (folly means foolish). Such a characteristic building is central to THE FOLLY.
Is it a temple or the projection of a temple? Which guitarist is real and which is a life-size projection? What am I seeing? Is it real or not? What reality are we actually looking at? Projections on screens, sheets, smoke and bodies. Photo animations play a major role, but when do the photos turn into video or into reality?

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